Humera Channa Interview


Humaira Channa, daughter of a well-known filmmaker, started singing in her Father’s film at the age of nine years. She rose to fame in the early 1990s after she got an opportunity to sing folk songs of Sufi Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai on television . Gifted with a mesmerizing voice, it was natural for Humaira to hone her skills and venture forth into the professional musical arena. She sings in Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki and other languages. She has sung over a thousand songs in her career. Humaira Channa has performed on numerous concert tours to the United States, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh and across Europe Brought to you by Asha Chand. Share with others

Producers Asha Chand
Starring Humera Channa & Asha Chand
Genres Interview
Subtitles English


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Humera Channa Interview


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