Kanyalal Violinist interview ڪنعيالال جو انٽرويو


Sindhi Violinist Dada Kanayalal born on 26.11.1926 is a very learned person in his field of music. He has written a book Saraswati Vandana in Sindhi which gives you information about various filmi songs based on classical RAGAs. He known and respected for his expertise in this field. He has played different Dhuns for 'Sundri Uttamchandani's poems of HUGAO' [check www.SundriUttam.com] which enhances the beauty of these poems. We wish him all the best. Interviewed by Asha Chand.

Producers Asha Chand
Genres Interview
Subtitles English


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Kanyalal Violinist interview ڪنعيالال جو انٽرويو


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