Insaaf انصاف

44 mins  

Is there any Justice for women in India? Mira has big dreams in life. After marriage, her husband proceeds abroad for employment. Mira makes every effort possible to make relationship with other family members. Alas, the sister in law with lies, manipulation and harassment ensures that Mira is thrown out. The telefilm concludes with a Social massage for women and society.

Producers Asha Chand
Writer Sundri Uttamchandani
Director Kamal D Nathani
Starring Anjali Makhija, Mayuri Raghani, Mahi Nanwani, Aarti Jaswant Kumar, Kajal Ramchandani, Sonu Pahuja & Arjun Shuvani
Genres Drama
Subtitles English


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Insaaf انصاف


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