Zindagi Tuhinji Muhinji

92 mins  

Newandram, the grand father, deep rooted in Sindhi values & culture. Mahesh, the son, busy making money with no time for family, often neglects his family. Rocky, the grandson, a successful actor, with Hollywood dreams. Leela, the daughter-in-law, the binding thread of the family. They live together and have all the materialistic satisfaction but still something is missing.

Producers Asha Chand
Writer Arun Babani
Director Rajesh Bachchani
Starring S.P. Menghani, Niroo Asrani, Jeetu Vazirani, Moomal Punjabi, Julie Tejwani, Pradeep Lalwani, Prerna Makhija, Deepak Khetani, Vibhooli, Sarita Sharma and Asha Chand
Genres Drama
Subtitles English


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